The game itself needs no introduction, but Checkers 3D online has added a hyper-realistic twist to this classic that we just can’t get enough of. It’s totally 3D, of course! Instead of staring down at a predictable 2-dimensional square, you can now glare across a sharply designed board at your computer opponent just like a real-life match. Every jump, move, and victory in this unblocked game is that much more vivid in crisp 3D, so much so that it just may ruin 2D checkers for you, so be warned.
As usual, your job in this free to play game involves jumping enemy players, making it across the board to achieve king status, and dominating the battlefield. The two awesome twists that make this version so revolutionary are, first of all, your ability to grab the board and tilt it for a better view of the game. Also, if you’re about to get jumped, the game won’t let you move any other pieces until you take care of it, which is a great feature for beginners. If you’re ready for an immersive upgrade to the game you already love, then it’s Checkers 3D time.